Just discovered Stephe's YT videos and I have learned a lot already. I have watched a lot of videos in the last few years about tube amplifier electronics and equipment on YT and hers are the very best blend of teaching + reviewing + just plain fun to watch. So thank you Stephe!
I own an OTL tube amp and grounded grid tube preamp (which I built from kit), both from Transcendent Sound. Bought the OTL power amp first and no other amp in my 40+ years of listening compares, not even hi end class a musical fideltiy SS amp. I listen with Reference 3A DeCapo I speakers, supposedly pretty sensitive at 90db/1w/1m. The DeCapos have no crossover, ust a high pass cap on the tweeter.
Anyway, hi all, see you on YT!
p.s. How about an OTL tube amp project?
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