I am currently building a tube preamplifier kit from Ali. There is little in the way of instructions and after looking at several other circuit diagrams of other boards/kits I was wondering why there is mainly only fusing on the transformer primary and nothing on the seperate transformer secondaries. Are there issues with adding fuses on the secondary supply's?
Check this article. https://www.valvewizard.co.uk/fuses.html
In some places (but not all) fusing on the primary side are part of the electrical code/insurance requirements. I'm guessing they don't want the transformer turning into a toaster oven and burning down your house?
Fusing the secondaries has very limited value because usually the damage is done before the fuse blows. I had a high power transistor amp once where the secondaries were fused, all for nothing, as usually the output transistors failed first, then blowing the fuse.