Hi everyone!
First of all sorry for my English , I write you from Switzerland! thank you for your indulgence ;-)
I have just realized the Budget DIY 300B and I haven’t fully turned it on yet
This is the DIY 300B budget but in 2 mono blocks
I test the power supply built according to the site plan and I just connected the GZ34 for now to control the voltage
at the output of the power transformer there is 770v then after rederessage GZ34 and filtering as on plan i get 522v!!! and not 430v as shown . What is the problem?? there will be a problem with the capacitors limited to 500v!
Thank you for your help Frank
Please don’t stop listening to those beauties for this but would love to see some pics of your handy work “under the hood”. A little vanity shot underneath !!!
All the pics didn’t load initially for me before. I now see the Hashimoto output logo. Are the Edcors power trannies you talked about under some metal cases or are these different NOS transformers? I am sure they sound as good as they look!!
That’s a lot of nice IRON! Are those James transformers? Tubes bias up pretty close?
Awesome pics Frank I bet those mono blocks sound wonderful. For the benefit of the group, did the voltages all fall into line per the schematic and did you get the bias meter reading good based off Skunkies video and that calc sheet? Loved every bit of Switzerland including the cities you mentioned and Bern, Zurich! Beautiful country and can’t wait to come back!!! Ed
here is!
the video is too big! I take pictures
Hi ED!
Thank you for the schema and calculations , here is a short video😉
I live in Martigny near Sion , Interlaken is 120 km from home
The region of interlaken is very pretty and did you also visit the Pilatus and Lucerne?
Thank you for everything, forum is top
Best regards
Meant to ask what part of Switzerland you are in? Was just there is August. Interlaken and surrounding towns!!
Glad you are up and running! Did all the DC voltages settle in pretty close per the schematic? Check out the Skunkie video. About mid way thru he post a schematic which show how to wire (assuming you have a similar meter) AND how to chose the correct (approx) resistor value:
Let us know how it sounds as she burns in?!! Ed
Hi Ed
Thanks for your help!
Yeahhhhhh ! I’m so happy, the amplifier works wonderfully, very good sound splendid YESSSS
I have no sound of snoring 50 Hz Great!
I just had a mass loop problem... quickly resolved
Now I would like to connect an amperemeter 100mA dial but I do not know where to connect and what resistance to put before
Is this connection correct ? (attachment schema) and what is the value of resistance?
Thank you so much , and have a nice weekend ;-)
Do you have a variac?
That transformer is slightly higher voltage than Skunkies posted schematic AND with no load (as above) you will always show higher than expected voltages. A variac (with full circuit hooked up properly) will allow you to very slowly raise incoming AC voltage into the amp and check for proper voltages at the most important points as you slowly reach normal incoming AC!
hi Ed, thank you for your reply, I use an Edcor XPWR144 power supply this is "unloaded" only with GZ34 , as the tension was too high I did not dare to try with all the tubes sorry for my english thanks for your help Frank
https://www.duncanamps.com/psud2/ will be your friend!
Exactly what kind of transformer are you using?
If no other part of the circuit is hooked up: output tubes, driver tubes, output transformers, proper speaker load then voltages will always show higher. Under proper design load it will sag much closer into range. Skunkie will clearly be the authority starting with all the SAFETY NOTICES & Safety protocols relative to tube amplifiers: