Measured across the meter (turn power off, unplug, and allow capacitors to dissapate first) you should see the highest resistance (60K, 100K, 300K, etc). Lets assume it is 100K and rotates from 7-5 o'clock. If it is linear, there will be a similar decrease in resistance at each position of the clock. If it is logarithmic, there will not be as much decrease in resistance at 8, 9 and 10 o;clock and usually reads half resistance (50K) at 12 o'clock. The better pot manufacturers publish the taper values and deviation between wafers (Channels) if so equipped. Like Skunkie said, a good quality 100K is typical and other values are chosen for specific purposes. The other question: is the meter and associated circuitry in the right part of the cirsuit? I am a newbie so that is about all I can help with. Good luck.
Could put a meter on it and measure it. You should be able to look at the resistance readings and determine if it's Log or Lin.