I finished the building of my first (ever) electronic device! Just possible because of Stephe (skunkie) plans and YouTube playlist.
I tried a different aesthetic approach with small (theoretical) technical impact, and I can say that my worst fear was the impact on the sound quality. As far as I can evaluate, mainly comparing with my Willsenton R8, the KT120 have noticeable better sound to my ears.
The KT120 tubes I have are the “bad” ones, and I’m tuning the TP-TP mesure to 0,84 volt. I can’t mesure if this impacts on the sound power.
I send some pictures below:

my only suggestion, which might ruin the aesthetics for you is to rotate the power transformers 90 degrees to avoid the magnetic flux from them being transferred to the output transformers, Love the build though, very nice! If you want to really hear it sing, add my EAR834 clone phono stage!
Also at 85ma they sound OK, but if you can find some of the early production tubes that are happy at 100-110ma, it really does improve the sound.