My progress on a pair of monoblocks based on skunkie designs 300b build. I was suckered into the boyuurange Chinese tube amps by online "reviewers" and was ultimately not satisfied. Thats when I found skunkie's YouTube channel and became utterly insp
ired. I have no official background in electronics, but as a licensed electrician for 15 years I feel confident in my ability to read and follow the schematic of a SE amp. I'm really enjoying the build process, and believe building my own audio gear will become a new passion of mine instead of shelling out huge amounts of my hard earned money on name brand gear that should cost a fraction of it's retail price. I will post more pictures when completed.
It took me a ton of trial and error but I eventually got it working
Shots of the inside of a remote passive pre I built to match the mono blocks, it uses a 100k alps motorized pot, a cheapo amazon 12v/5v switching power supply, ir receiver, Arduino nano, and a stepper motor control. Hardest part was writing the program to the Arduino but I figured it out and it works great!
End game set-up
Looking very nice!
Still waiting for some more parts to arrive, but will be sure to update. In the meantime I finally figured out how to properly upload my picture to the post.
Please share your progress with us :)