Well got all my parts in yesterday and slapped her together in short order. This was from their schematic published on their Decware website and wired point to point (not using their ckct board). Was thinking I was going to seperate the shared cathode resistor but wanted to hear it as designed- getting 9.7VDC so Iam running 32ma thru each output tube so that puts me at around 92.5% bias-When running thru my bucking trans-115V they run 30ma each that puts the bias at 79% -they are strong military spec tubes and will be fine. Was wondering if the 10W 8K Edcors would perform well on the low end and YES they did (strong bass) I measured 1/2 a DB down at 40Hz and a perfectly flat response till 10K when it slowly dips even at 20K it's good. The power trans is hearty and over spec'd also- runs cool. How does it sound?? Well happy to report it sounds really good and punches well more than it's 2.8W would suggest. I've only been running it for a a couple hours but 1st impressions are great so far. If I were to build it again I'd have the output transformers back and the tubes in the front- with these Edcors they are top chassis mount- the Zen triode pre-built amp has a tube recetifier and the output transformers are in chassis.
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Very nice! May I ask what chassis you used?