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Vacuum Tube Audio Gear
Forum Posts
Apr 28, 2022
In Introductions
Hi all, Hope all is well. I started out in electronics when I was 16 where I did struggle with it and had memory issues. Before that, I was brought into the world of hi-fi by my brother and so then progressed into college and making Amplifiers which gave me a sense of achievement and had great fun trying different things and upgrades and disasters LOL. Did this for around 10 years or maybe longer and so it slowly faded away where other commitments and family came along. Now 54 and so I took the plunge in 2020 in lockdown and bought the EAR834 Clone from China. Maybe I bit off more than what I could chew, as this was my first valve Pre-Amp & Project in around 25 years and maybe my last. Even though it sounds good, I am plagued with so much hum. Then came across Skunkie Designs on YouTube and the build of the EAR834 Clone. I hope that someone can help. Time for a proper post on this and hope I can learn something along the way. Cheers, and thank you for reading my rubbish.😂
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